A new Jurassic non-avian theropod dinosaur from 163 million-year-old fossil deposits in northeastern China provides new information regarding the incredible richness of evolutionary experimentation that characteri...
A team of scientists led by LIU Wu and WU Xiujie from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported a new Middle Pleistocene human skull ever fou...
December 2-4, 2019, Beijing
December 2, 2019 marks the 90th anniversary of the discovery of the first skullcap of Peking Man. Significant progress has been made in retrieving and studying hu...
The Symposia on Early and Lower Vertebrates are the only recurring international meetings targeted specifically towards the Palaeozoic vertebrate research community. The 15th ISELV will be organized on August 8th ...
A team of scientists led by Alida Bailleul and Jingmai O’Connor from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported the first fossil bird ever fo...
Most aspects of dental development for a juvenile Homo specimen from the Pleistocene fall within the modern human range, according to research by a group of Chinese and international scientists. The study was rece...
A team of scientists led by Jingmai O’Connor from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, reported the first occurrence of medullary bone in Enantiornit...
Human ancestors first set foot on the interior of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau around 30,000-40,000 years ago, according to new research by scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). This new finding mo...
A new extinct species of bird from a 127 million-year-old fossil deposit in northeastern China provides new information about the different evolutionary paths and experiments birds experienced during the early evo...
Digit reduction occurs many times in tetrapod evolution, and the most famous example is the 'horse series' of North America. An international research team announced the discovery of two new Chinese dinosaurs toda...