BBC News:New evidence on how birds took to the air |
Skeletal changes that helped birds take to the air happened 120 million years ago, during the hey day of dinosaurs, according to a specimen from China. Features such as fused bones were thought to be present only in relatively advanced birds, living just before the dinosaurs went extinct. A strong, rigid ske... |
New Scientist:Weird fish fossil changes the story of how we moved onto land |
The evolutionary story we have written to explain our ancestors’ move from sea to land may need a rethink. A fossil fish from this era has been discovered with several of the features of land animals – yet it was only distantly related to them. Roughly 360 million years ago, one group of lobe-finned fish began... |
Nature:Teeth from China Reveal an Early Human Trek out of Africa |
"Stunning" find shows that Homo sapiens reached Asia around 100,000 years ago By Ewen Callaway, Nature magazine These 47 human teeth, dated to 80,000-120,000 years ago, were found in a limestone cave system in Daoxian, China. Credit: S. Xing and X-J. Wu Teeth from a cave in south China show that Homo sap... |
Xinhua:Complete crocodile fossil unearthed in NE China |
CHANGCHUN, June 9 (Xinhua) -- Fossils of a complete crocodile and bones belonging to at least six different dinosaurs from the Cretaceous Period, 145 to 66 million years ago, have been excavated in northeast China's Jilin Province. After a year of preparation, paleontologists from Chinese Academy of Sciences and... |
Nature: How China is rewriting the book on human origins |
Fossil finds in China are challenging ideas about the evolution of modern humans and our closest relatives. 12 July 2016 DeAgostini/Getty The reconstructed skull of Peking Man, the fossil that launched discussions of human origins in China. On the outskirts of Beijing, a small limestone mountain name... |
Primate fate: Chinese fossils illuminate key evolutionary period |
By Will DunhamReuters May 6, 2016 The left lower jaw of Yunnanadapis folivorus, one of six new fossil primate species found in southern China, is pictured in this undated handout photo. Xijun Ni/Chinese Academy of Sciences/Handout via Reuters By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A treasure trove of foss... |
China Daily:Research Shows DNA Dating back 45,000 Years Ago |
Interspecies sex between ancient humans and Neanderthals – a relative of our ancestors who had smaller figure and low, flat, elongated skulls like dwarfs in the in The Lord of the Rings – had given 1.6 to 1.8 percent Neanderthals' gene to every one in Europe and Asia nowadays. An International research team le... |
LiveScience:Tiny Bird Fossil Solves Big Mystery About Life After Dinosaurs |
A teeny-tiny fossilized bird skeleton is helping researchers understand the explosive rate at which birds diversified after the dinosaur age, new research shows. The newfound skeleton dates back to about 62.5 million to 62 million years ago, making it the oldest known modern bird specimen in North America to liv... |
China Daily:Pterosaurs take flight from the sands of time |
The discovery of a number of fossils at a site in northwestern China was a closely guarded secret for nearly 10 years. Now, the ancient relicts are set to go on display, as Cheng Yingqi reports from Hami prefecture, the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. rp_account = '10800'; rp_site = '67058'; rp_... |
Nature:Palaeontology: Tracing the backbone in China's rocks |
Xu Xing relishes a bilingual book on the evolution of vertebrate life in his fabulously fossil-rich country.From Fish to Human: The March of Vertebrate Life in China Corwin Sullivan, Wang Yuan and Brian Choo Popular Science: 2015. ISBN: 9787110089378 Buy this book: US UK Japan China's rich fossil resourc... |