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f4.jpg Xinhua:New Dinosaurs Discovered in China Reveal Myth of Reduced "Fingers"
Two new dinosaurs discovered in China may help solve the long mystery of how some of these creatures reduced and lost their "fingers" through evolution.
  Flexible fingers have helped primates hunt and gather food, or even invent and use tools, a key step that gradually differentiates humans from apes. But meat-ea...
178308_web.jpg EurekAlert: Fossil turtle didn't have a shell yet, but had the first toothless turtle beak
There are a couple of key features that make a turtle a turtle: its shell, for one, but also its toothless beak. A newly-discovered fossil turtle that lived 228 million years ago is shedding light on how modern turtles developed these traits. It had a beak, but while its body was Frisbee-shaped, its wide ribs hadn't...
20187242236484040.jpg Reuters:'Amazing dragon' fossils rewrite history of long-necked dinosaurs
By Will Dunham
  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fossils unearthed on a hillside in northwestern China are forcing scientists to rethink the history of a dinosaur lineage that produced the largest animals ever to walk the planet.
  Scientists on Tuesday announced the discovery of Lingwulong shenqi, an early member of the...
20187242236484040.jpg Xinhua:Dinosaur fossils found in China may lead to rethink of ancient continents
LONDON, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Fossils of a sauropod species have been newly discovered in China, which might change how researchers think these dinosaurs evolved, and how entire continents were linked 174 million years ago, according to a study released Tuesday by the Natural History Museum in London.
  Researchers ...
W020180619360818704998.jpg National Geographic: Long-Lost Panda Relative Revealed by 22,000-Year-Old Fossil
A young giant panda eats bamboo in the Chengdu Research Base of the Giant Panda Breeding Center in China.
  Photograph by Jak Wonderly, National Geographic Creative
  In August 2014, paleoanthropologist Yingqi Zhang and his team descended into a sinkhole on the hunt for Gigantopithecus, the largest known primate...
Xinhua:Ancient grass grazers survive to be today's elephants
We may not see elephants roaming the prairies or forests today, if their distant ancestors had not learned to graze on grass about 16 million years ago. Their active adaption to the environment helped the species to survive.
  Life restoration of G. steinheimense. Drawing provided by the Institute of Vertebrate Pa... Feeding habits of ancient elephant relatives uncovered from grass fragments stuck in their teeth
Phytoliths of grass and foliage found adhered to a molar of Gomphotherium connexum (bottom-right) from the Miocene deposits of Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China. The bar chart from the bottom-left indicate relative abundance of different phytolith types from Gomphotherium teeth examined in this study. Credit: Wu Yan, I...
China Daily:New science with an ancient focus
Leading researcher Fu Qiaomei has made big contributions to genetic analysis of prehistoric humans.
  The science of studying the roots of modern people via DNA extracted from the bones of ancient humans - people who lived from 5,000 to 50,000 years ago - is very new. Even 15 years ago, it barely existed.
  But ...
IVPP Paleontologist Chang Mee-mann Presented With a Prestigious Award in Paris
Paleontologist Dr. CHANG Meemann (ZHANG Miman), a senior professor of Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been recognized by UNESCO and the L'Oréal Foundation as one of five outstanding female scientists from around the world for “her pioneering work ...
Science:Ancient flying reptiles cared for their young, fossil trove suggests
A spectacular fossil find is providing tantalizing new clues about the habits of pterosaurs, ancient flying reptiles that lived at the same times as dinosaurs. The cache of more than 200 fossil eggs found with bones of juvenile and adult animals in northwestern China is “one of the most extraordinary fossil [finds]...
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