Darwin Now in 2009 |
Darwin Now in 2009 will include a vibrant programme of activities and a display which will tour four cities in China. Activities will include Darwin and evolution themed workshops, lectures by scientists, Wildscreen films, theatre and science demonstration shows for school groups, families and adults. Darwin Now... |
Beijing Review: Bridging Evolutionary Gaps |
Unearthed dinosaur fossils shed light on the evolutionary process By TANG YUANKAI RENOWNED EXPERTISE: Xu Xing, a famous paleobiologist, works at the dinosaur excavation site in Wucaiwan in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (CFP) Chinese and foreign experts confirmed recently Zhucheng in east China... |
China Daily: Ancient human fossil found in Guangxi |
By Huo Yan and Huang Feifei (chinadaily.com.cn) A 110,000 year old incomplete human lower jaw bone was recently found in a cave in Mulan Moutain in the Jiangzhou district of Chongzuo city, in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. "The finding was strong evidence to prove the multiregional model, and from thi... |
Xinhua:Archaeologists Celebrate 80th Anniversary of Peking Man' Discovery |
Some 300 paleoanthropologists gathered in Beijing Tuesday to mark the 80th anniversary of the discovery of the first complete skull of Peking Man, the homo erectus that lived near Beijing 700,000 years ago. "This is the largest ever symposium on the discovery of the skull", said Gao Xing, deputy director... |
Nature: Fossil protection law comes under fire |
Vol 460|27 August 2009 NATURE|Vol 460|27 August 2009 Chinese palaeontologists met government officials in Beijing last week to lobby for strict federal control of fossil specimens. The researchers are working to get changes incorporated into a draft law released in March by the Legislative Office of the State Co... |
New York Times: Paper Challenges Ideas About ‘Early Bird’ Dinosaur |
By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD Published: October 8, 2009 The “early bird” Archaeopteryx may not be a bird, after all. The first fossil of the raven-size species was an immediate sensation when it was excavated in 1860, in southern Germany. It had feathers and a wishbone, like birds, but teeth and a long, bony ... |
Ethiopian Review: Four-Winged Dinosaur Discovered in China |
A chicken-size dinosaur sporting four wings may have glided through the skies some 155 million years ago, researchers say based on exceptionally well-preserved remains of the feathered beast. The first specimen of this dinosaur was discovered last December and at the time thought to be a primitive bird. But afte... |
Drs. Xing Xu and Ya-mei Hou give talks at the Bookworm, Beijing |
Inspired by the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth, the Bookworm celebrate the importance of great ideas, and the role of science in shaping the way we view the world, and schedule a series of talks -"Evolve: Dinosaurs, Darwin & Discovery". Dr. Xingxu and Ya-mei Hou from IVPP were invited to give a talk on... |