Art Daily: Chinese Dinosaur Fossils Make North America Debut in Cincinnati |
Glenn Storrs, right, curator of vertebrate paleontology at the Cincinnati Museum Center, and Stephanie Lowe look at a vertebrae fossil from the tail of a long-necked titanosaur, Thursday, Aug. 26, 2010, on display at the museum in Cincinnati. The fossils were discovered in a province in China and are making the... |
LiveScience:Tyrannosaurs may have been dainty scavengers |
Fearsome giants may have carefully gnawed on dead herbivores As fearsome as giant tyrannosaurs such as T. rex were, scientists have found what may be the first evidence of these "terrible lizards" being dainty scavengers. Paleontologists have long argued over whether tyrannosaurs were actually scavengers or ... |
Dino Dream Park debuted in Beijing Olympic Square |
Source: Global Times (By Ming Yue) If you see several giant dinosaurs inside Olympic Park, don't panic! As the sign says, "These dinosaurs came just for summer vacation." Sitting one kilometer north of the Bird's Nest, Dino Dream Park, a science-oriented summer theme park, opened to the public July 1. Comp... |
Science News: Feathered Dinosaurs Molted Like Birds |
Like kids today who don’t want to dress like Mom and Dad, some young feathered dinosaurs sported a look totally unlike their elders, a new study shows. By Sid Perkins, Science News The finding hints that feathered dinosaurs, like modern birds, molted as they grew, says study coauthor Xing Xu, a paleont... |
Natinal Geographic:Dinosaur Feathers Changed With Age |
Rapid and bizarre switches suggest dinos had birds beat for plumage diversity. An artist's rendering of the two feather types on Similicaudipteryx. Charles Q. Choi for National Geographic News Published April 28, 2010 Newfound fossils of a feathered dinosaur suggest that the extinct reptiles migh... |
LiveScience:Velociraptor Frozen in Time Scavenging a Larger Dinosaur |
Charles Q. Choi LiveScience Contributor The swift predator Velociraptor has been caught frozen in time apparently scavenging on the corpse of another, larger dinosaur, scientists now reveal. Not only did grooves from the raptor's teeth mar bones belonging to the sheep-sized horned herbivore Protoceratops... |
The Vancouver Sun:Canadian scientist scores paleontological hat trick |
Canadian scientist Corwin Sullivan also co-authored a paper in the journal Zootaxa in March documenting the new roadrunner-like dinosaur species Xixianykus zhangi. Photograph by: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Photo Handout It's a field in which one major discovery might be a career highlight. But a C... |