Media reports: 'Peking Man' Older Than Thought

`Peking Man` Older Than Thought

Science Daily (press release) - ‎Mar 12, 2009‎
ScienceDaily (Mar. 13, 2009) — A new dating method has found that "Peking Man" is around 200000 years older than previously thought, suggesting he somehow ...

Ancient `Peking Man` Much Older Than Thought

FOXNews - ‎Mar 12, 2009‎
By Andrea Thompson A replica of a Peking Man skull at the Paleozoological Museum of China in Beijing. A replica of a Peking Man skull at the Paleozoological ...

Peking Man Lived 200000 Years Earlier Than Thought

National Geographic - ‎Mar 12, 2009‎
Peking man—the group of early humans whose 1920s discovery gave a big boost to the theory of evolution—lived hundreds of thousands of years earlier than ...

Study finds "Peking Man" lived in an older, cooler age

Xinhua - ‎Mar 12, 2009‎
BEIJING, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Scientists using a new radioactive dating method have found that "Peking Man," or Homo erectus who was believed to live in the ...

Study: "Peking Man" 300000 years older than usually thought

Xinhua - ‎Mar 12, 2009‎
BEIJING, March 12 (Xinhua) -- The iconic ancient human fossils from China known as the Peking Man are about 300000 years older than usually thought, ...

`Peking Man` 200000 years older than thought: study

AFP - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
PARIS (AFP) — Barrel-chested "Peking Man," the collective name given to the treasure trove of homo erectus fossils found near the Chinese capital in the ...

About the cover (subscription) - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
The age of Homo erectus, known familiarly as Peking Man, has been hotly debated. This week Shen et al. use a recently developed dating technique that ...

News and Views (subscription) - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
Re-evaluation of the age of Zhoukoudian, a prominent site of Homo erectus occupation in China, prompts a rethink of the species` distribution in both the ...

Age of Zhoukoudian Homo erectus determined with 26 Al/ 10 Be ... (subscription) - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
The age of Zhoukoudian Homo erectus, commonly known as `Peking Man`, has long been pursued, but has remained problematic owing to the lack of suitable ...

"Peking man" a lot older than thought

Reuters South Africa - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
HONG KONG (Reuters) - A new and more accurate dating method shows Peking Man may be 200000 years older than what experts previously thought, researchers in ...

`Peking Man` older than thought

BBC News - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
By Paul Rincon Iconic ancient human fossils from China are 200000 years older than had previously been thought, a study shows. ...

Peking Man is older than previously thought - ‎Mar 13, 2009‎
By Bart B. Van Bockstaele. New dating methods have shown that Peking Man, a Homo erectus discovered in 1918 in the Zhoukoudian caves near Beijing is at ...

‘Peking Man’ 250000 years older than previously thought

SINDH TODAY - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
London, March 12 (ANI): A new analysis of the Homo erectus fossils popularly known as the ‘Peking Man’, found in China’s Zhoukoudian caves, has determined ...

The Date of Birth for “Peking Man” Gets Pushed Back 200000 Years

Discover Magazine - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
A clever and painstaking new analysis has revealed that the famous Homo erectus fossil known as Peking Man is 200000 years older than previously thought. ...

‘Peking Man’ Could Be Older Than Scientists Thought

RedOrbit - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
Chinese researchers say a new and more accurate dating method shows that Peking Man may be 200000 years older than what experts previously thought, ...

The `Peking Man` may be older than previously thought

Science Centric - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
by Stanislav P. Abadjiev | 11 March 2009 18:00 GMT — The bones of Homo erectus pekinensis, commonly known as Peking Man, may be older than thought, ...

Peking Man fossils show their age

Science News - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
By Bruce Bower EARLY TOOLSThese stone tools likely belonged to Peking Man, a set of Homo erectus fossils found in northeastern China that are now reported ...

Peking Man older than thought (subscription) - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
Researchers have sifted the sands of time to show that Homo erectus lived at China`s most famous anthropology site at least 250000 years earlier than was ...

Early `Peking Man` was older, colder, study says

The Associated Press - ‎Mar 11, 2009‎
WASHINGTON (AP) — A famous early ancestor of humans was able to thrive in glacial weather that would send icy shivers up the spines of most modern people, ...

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