Vertebrata PalAsiatica, Vol. 53, 2015 |
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Issue 4
A new small-sized eosauropterygian (Diapsida: Sauropterygia) from the Middle Triassic of Luoping, Yunnan, southwestern China SHANG Qing-Hua, LI Chun.Pages 265-280
A new specimen ofDiandongosaurus acutidentatus(Sauropterygia) from the Middle Triassic of Yunnan, China LIU Xue-Qing, LIN Wen-Bin, Olivier RIEPPEL, SUN Zuo-Yu, LI Zhi-Guang,LU Hao, JIANG Da-Yong.Pages 281-290
Caenagnathasiasp. (Theropoda: Oviraptorosauria) from the Iren Dabasu Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Campanian) of Erenhot, Nei Mongol, China YAO Xi, WANG Xiao-Li, Corwin SULLIVAN, WANG Shuo,Thomas STIDHAM, XU Xing.Pages 291-298
First fossil cobitid (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) from Early-Middle Oligocene deposits of South China CHEN Geng-Jiao, LIAO Wei, LEI Xue-Qiang. Pages 299-309
Phylogenetic analysis onPalaeogale(Palaeogalidae, Carnivora) based on specimens from Oligocene strata of Saint-Jacques, Nei Mongol WANG Jian, ZHANG Zhao-Qun. Pages 310-334
Re-description and phylogenetic assessment of the Late Miocene ducks Aythya shihuibas and Anas sp. (Aves: Anseriformes) from Lufeng, Yunnan, China Thomas A. STIDHAM.Pages 335-349 |
Issue 3
Tapirus yunnanensis from Shuitangba, a terminal Miocene hominoid site in Zhaotong, Yunnan Province of China JI Xue-ping, Nina G. JABLONSKI, TONG Hao-wen, Denise F. SU, Jan Ove R. EBBESTAD, LiuCheng-wu, YU Teng-Song.Pages 177-192
A mandible ofLeptobos(Bovidae, Artiodactyla) from the Lower Pleistocene of Longdan, Gansu, China, and evidence of feline predatory strategy--Addition to the Early Pleistocene Longdan Mammalian Fauna (4) LI Yi-Kun.Pages 193-206
An extraordinary pattern of ruminant molars and associated cervids from the Pleistocene of Wushan, Central China DONG Wei, CHEN Shao-kun.Pages 207-218
Revision and supplementary note on Miocene sciurid fauna of Sihong, China QIU Zhu-Ding.Pages 219-237
New material of the Eocene marine bird Kievornis Averianov et al., 1990 and a reassessment of the affinities of this taxon Evgeniy ZVONOK, Gerald MAYR, Leonid GOROBETS.Pages 238-344
New hadrosauroid material from the Upper Cretaceous Majiacun Formation of Hubei Province, central China TAN Qing-wei,XING Hai,HU Yong-guo,TAN Lin,XU Xing.Pages 245-264 |
Issue 2
A streamlined jawless fish(Galeapida) from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan, China and its taxonomic and paleoecological implications GAI Zhi-Kun, ZHU Min, JIA Lian-Tao, ZHAO Wen-Jin.Pages 93-109
A new species of Siyingia from the Lower Devonian Xishancun Formation of Qujing, Yunnan SI Chu-Dong, GAI Zhi-Kun, ZHAO Wen-Jin.Pages 110-122
New discoveries from the Sinokannemeyeria-Shansisuchus Assemblage Zone: 2. A newspecies of Nothogomphodon(Therapsida: Therocephalia) from the Ermaying Formation of Shanxi, China LIU Jun, Fernando ABDALA.Pages 123-132
The gastral basket in basal birds and their closerelatives: size and possible function ingmai K. O’CONNOR, ZHENG Xiao-Ting, WANG Xiao-Li, ZHANG Xiao-Mei, ZHOU Zhong-He.Pages 133-152
Diverse stem cetaceans and their phylogeneticrelationships with mesonychids and artiodactyls GAO Hong-Yan, NI Xi-Jun.Pages 153-176 |
Issue 1
Panxianichthys imparilisgen. et sp. nov., a new ionoscopiform (Halecomorphi) from the Middle Triassic of Guizhou, China XU Guang-Hui, SHEN Chen-Chen.Pages 1-15
New discoveries from theSinokannemeyeria-ShansisuchusAssemblage Zone: 1. Kannemeyeriiformes from Shanxi, China LIU Jun.Pages 16-28
Thetaxonomic status of theLate Cretaceous dromaeosauridLinheraptor exquisitusand its implications for dromaeosaurid systematics XU Xing, Michael PITTMAN, Corwin SULLIVAN, Jonah N. CHOINIERE, TAN Qing-Wei, James M. CLARK, Mark A. NORELL, WANG Shuo.Pages 29-62
Largetheropod teeth from the Upper Cretaceous of Jiangxi, southern China MO Jin-You, XU Xing.Pages 63-72
Morphology through ontogeny of ChineseProboscidipparionandPlesiohipparionand observations on their Eurasian and African relatives Raymond L. BERNOR, SUN Bo-Yang.Pages73-92 |