Vertebrata PalAsiatica, Vol. 51, 2013 |
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Issue 4 The sexual dimorphism of Shastasaurus tangae (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) from the Triassic Guanling Biota, China SHANG Qing-Hua, LI Chun. Pages 253-264 First discovery of polacanthine ankylosaur dinosaur in Asia YANG Jing-Tao, YOU Hai-Lu, LI Da-Qing, KONG De-Lai. Pages 265-277 A parataxonomic revision of spheroolithid eggs from the Upper Cretaceous Quantou Formation in Changtu, Liaoning LIU Jin-Yuan, WANG Qiang, ZHAO Zi-Kui, WANG Xiao-Lin, GAO Chun-Ling, SHEN Cai-Zhi. Pages 278-288 Eocene ischyromyids (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Erlian Basin, Nei Mongol, China Li Qian, Meng Jin. Pages 289-304 New eggysodontid (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) material from the Paleogene of the Guangnan Basin, Yunnan Province, China WANG Hai-Bing, BAI Bin, GAO Feng, HUANG Wang-Chong, WANG Yuan-Qing. Pages 305-320 Ancient DNA from wild boar fossils in Guangxi and its implication for pig domestication YIN Shuai, SHENG Gui-Lian, HOU Xin-Dong, ZHU Min, DU Ming, JIN Chang-Zhu, LAI Xu-Long. Pages 321-330 3D geometric morphometrics of some ursid skulls YANG Xing-Kai, ZHANG Zhao-Qun. Pages 331-341 Morphology and evolution of the labyrinth of vertebrate inner ear LI Lü-Zhou, NI Xi-Jun. Pages 342-357
Issue 3 The systematic position of the enigmatic theropod dinosaurYixianosaurus longimanus XU Xing, Corwin SULLIVAN, WANG Shuo. Pages 169-183 Earliest records of theropod and mammal-like tetrapod footprints in the Upper Triassic of Sichuan Basin, China XING Li-Da, Hendrik KLEIN, Martin G. LOCKLEY, WANG Shi-Li, CHEN Wei, YE Yong, Masaki MATSUKAWA, ZHANG Jian-Ping. Pages 184-198 New specimens of pareiasaurs from the Upper Permian Sunjiagou Formation of Liulin, Shanxi and their implications for the taxonomy of Chinese pareiasaurs LI Xing-Wen, LIU Jun. Pages 199-204 The taxonomic status of“Macrotheriumcf.M.brevirostris”from the Middle Miocene of Jiulongkou, Cixian County, Hebei Province CHEN Shao-Kun, LIU Yan. Pages 205-210 Myospalacines (Cricetidae, Rodentia) from the Miocene-Pliocene red clay section near Dongwan Village, Qin’an, Gansu, China and the classification of Myospalacinae LIU Li-Ping, ZHENG Shao-Hua, CUI Ning, WANG Li-Hua. Pages 211-241 A review of methods in carbon and oxygen isotopic analyses of tooth enamel from small fossil mammals BAI Bin, WANG Xu. Pages 242-251
Issue 2 A new oviraptorid from the Upper Cretaceous of Nei Mongol, China, and its stratigraphic implications XU Xing, TAN Qing-Wei, WANG Shuo, Corwin SULLIVAN, David W. E. HONE, HAN Feng-Lu, MA Qing-Yu, TAN Lin, XIAO Dong. Pages 85-101 A new oospecies of parafaveoloolithids from the Pingxiang Basin, Jiangxi Province of China ZOU Song-Lin, WANG Qiang, WANG Xiao-Lin. Pages 102-106 Two theropod track assemblages from the Jurassic of Chongqing, China, and the Jurassic stratigraphy of Sichuan Basin XING Li-Da, Martin G. LOCKLEY, CHEN Wei, Gerard D. GIERLIŃSKI, LI Jian-Jun, W. Scott PERSONS IV, Masaki MATSUKAWA, YE Yong, Murray K. GINGRAS, WANG Chang-Wen. Pages 107-130 Incisor fossils ofAprotodon(Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotidae) from the Early Miocene Shangzhuang Formation of the Linxia Basin in Gansu, China DENG Tao. Pages 131-140 The MioceneHipparion(Equidae, Perissodactyla) from Shihuiba Locality, Lufeng, Yunnan SUN Bo-Yang. Pages 141-161 SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of the Triassic Ermaying and Tongchuan formations in Shanxi, China and its stratigraphic implications LIU Jun, LI Lu, LI Xing-Wen. Pages 162-168 Issue 1Re-study on Gymnoichthys inopinatus from Middletriassic of Luoping, Yunnan, China Tan Kai, Jin Fan. Pages 1-16 On the taxonomy ofXinpusaurus(Reptilia: Thalattosauria) LIU Jun. Pages 17-23 A new thalattosaur,Concavispina biseridensgen. et sp. nov. fromGuanling,Guizhou,China ZHAO Li-Jun, LIU Jun, LI Chun, HE Tao. Pages 24-28 A large theropod metatarsal from the upper part ofJurassic Shishugou Formation inJunggarBasin,Xinjiang,China HE Yi-Ming, James M. Clark, XU Xing. Pages 29-42 New forms of dictyoolithids from the Tiantai Basin, Zhejiang Province ofChinaand a parataxonomic revision of the dictyoolithids WANG Qiang, ZHAO Zi-Kui, WANG Xiao-Lin, ZHANG Shu-Kang, JIANG Yan-Gen. Pages 43-54 Mylagaulids (Mammalia: Rodentia)from the earlyMiddle Mioceneof northernJunggarBasin Wu Wen-Yu. Ni Xi-Jun. Ye Jie. Meng Jin. Bi Shun-dong. Pages 55-70 Gomphotherium wimani fromWushan County,China, and its implications for the Miocene Stratigraphy of the Tianshui area WANG Shi-Qi, LIU Shan-Pin, XIE Guang-Pu, LIU Jia, PENG Ting-Jiang, HOU Su-Kuan. Pages 71-84