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Vertebrata Palasiatica, Vol. 6, 1962
Update time: 12/15/2010
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Issue 4

Early Tertiary Mammalian Fossils from Lunan, Yunnan
Xu Yu-xuan and Chiu Chan-siang. Pages 313-332

Fossil Fishes from the Early Tertiary of Hsianghsiang, Hunan, with discussion of Age of the Hsiawanpu Formation.
Cheng Chia-chien. Pages 333-348

O новом виде лситтакозәвров из Лайяна, Шаньдун.
Чжао Си-цзинь. Pages 349-364

A Tritylodont Specimen from Lufeng, Yunnan.
Min chen Chow. Pages 365-367

Notes on Some new Uintathere Materials of China.
Chow Min-chen and Tung Yung-sheng. Pages 368-374

The Taxonomic Position of Gigantopithecus in Primates.
Tung Ti-cheng. Pages 375-383

Note on two Fossil Trionychid Turtles from Shantung and Chekiang.
Yeh Hsiang-k'uei. Pages 384-389

Notes on Coprolites from the Nihowan Series.
Kao Fu-tsing. Pages 390-403

Discovery of a Late Pleistocene Elephant on the Loess Plateau of Northwestern China.
Ting Meng-lin. Pages 404-407

Report on paleoanthropological expedition of the northeastern part of Kwangsi.
Wu Sinzhi, Chao Zikuei, Yuan Chengsin, Shen jiayu. Pages 408-414

Techniques of Collecting Microvertebrate Fossils.
Claude W. Hibbard. Pages 415-422

Issue 3

Quaternary Mammals from the Liucheng Gigantopithecus Cave and Other Caves of Kwangsi.
Pei Wen-chung.Pages 211-218

A. New Species of Primitive Chalicothere from the Tertiary of Lunan, Yunnan.
Minchen M. Chow. Pages 219-224

A New Emydid from the Eocene of Maoming, Kwangtung.
Chow, Minchen and Yeh, Hsiang-k'uei. Pages 225-231

Some New Anthracotheres from Shansi and Yunnan.
Xu Yu-xuan. Pages 232-250

A New Species of Metacervulus of Yushe, Shansi, with Notes on Pliocene Muntjaks of China.
Hu Chang-kang. Pages 251-261

Sur la Presence de Megalovis latifrons dans le Villafranchien d'Oltenic (Roumanie).
C. Radulesco et P. Samson. Pages 262-269

Some Problems Concerning the Sinanthropus Industry of Choukoutien.
Chang Shen-shuai. Pages 270-279

Reconnaissance of Some Mammalian Fossil Localities in the Region of Upper Han River.
Li Yiu-heng. Pages 280-290

On the Geological Age of the Kehe Palaeoliths from South-.western Shansi.
Chiu Chung-Lang. Pages 291-294

On the Discussion of the Age of Kehe Culture Site.
Chia Lan-po. Pages 295-298

Материалы к изучению ископаемых страсов.
Н. И. Вурчак-Абрамович. Pages 299-309

Issue 2

A new percoid fish from South China.
Liu Tung-sen, Liu Hsien-t'ing & Tang Xin. Pages 121-129

Some Reptilian fossils from the "Red Beds" of Kwangtung and Chekiang.
Young Chung-chien &Chow Minchen. Pages 130-137

Early Pleistocene Mammals of Chaotung, Yunnan,With Notes on some Chinese Stegodonts.
Chow Minchen & Zhai Ren-jie. Pages 138-149

Two new Hybodus from North Shensi, China.
Liu Hsien-t'ing. Pages 150-156

Об остатках мамояга и лошади из плейстоценовых отложений Северной Монголии
Д.ДаШзэвэг. Pages 157-161

Cenozoic Mammalian Fossil Localities in Kansu and Ningshia.
Hu Chang-kang. Pages 162-172

Notes on Two New Brevirostrine Mastodonts from Shensi.
Hsieh Hsiang-hsu. Pages 173-181

Preliminary Report on the investigation of the Palaeolithic Artefacts from Yiliang disstrict, Yunnan Province.
Li Yen-hsien & Huang Wei-wen. Pages 182-192

Report on the fossil bearing cave deposits of Lingshan, Kwangtung.
Gu Yu-min. Pages 193-201

Quaternary Mammalian localities of N. Kwangtung.
Liu Chang-zhi. Pages 202-207

Issue 1

Pliocene Fishes from Yüshe Basin, Shansi.
Plate I-V.
Plate VI-XI.
Liu Hsien-t'ing & Su Te-tsao. Pages 1-47

On the Generic Character of "Hypohippus zitteli".
Zhai Ren-jie.Pages 48-56

Giant Rhinoceros from Loping, Yunnan, and Discussion on the Taxonomic Characters of Indricotherium grangeri.
Chiu Chan-siang.Pages 57-71

A Tertiary Beaver from Changpei, Hopei Province.
Li Chuan-kuei.Pages 72-79

A New Species of Bothriolepis from Yunnan.
Liu Yü-hai. Pages 80-87

Pliocene and Pleistocene Mammalian Fossils from Kansu.
Hu Chang-kang.Pages 88-108

Discovery of Neorhachitomous Vertebrae from Lufeng, Yunnan.
Sun Ai-lin.Pages 109-110

On the Age and Sex of the Tzeyang Skull.
Qin Xue-sheng. Pages 111-115

Estimation of Age and Identification of Sex of the Fossil Human Skull.
Woo Ju-kang.Pages 116-118

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