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Vertebrata Palasiatica, Vol. 7, 1963
Update time: 12/15/2010
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Issue 4

New Species of Listriodon from Miocene of Lantien, Shensi, China.
Liu Tung-sen and Lee Yu-ching. Pages 291-309

A New Eocene Anthracothere.
Hu Chang-kang. Pages 310-317

A New Species of Equus from Locality 21 of Zhoukoudian.
Liu Houyi. Pages 318-324

A New Species of Dicerorhinus from Yushe, Shansi, China.
Chow Ben-shun. Pages 325-330

Note on the Labyrinthodonts of the Sinokannemerian Fauna in Shansi.
C. C. Young. Pages 331-341

A New Species of Bothriolepis from Kwangtung.
Chang Kuo-jui. Pages 342-351

Miocene Mammals from Tung-sha-po, Loyang, Honan Province.
Liu Tung-sen and Lee Yu-ching. Pages 352-356

An Oligocene Mammalian Horizon in the Yuanchü Basin, South Shansi.
Wang Tze-yi and Eau Chang-kang. Pages 357-361

Climate of South China during Middle Pleistocene in the Light of Mammalian Fossils.
Minchen Chow. Pages 362-367

Observation of the Mode of Occurrence of Fossil Reptilian Eggs from Shantung and Kwangtung.
Wang Cun-yi and Zhen Shou-nan. Pages 368-369

Issue 3

On a New Pareiasaur from the Upper Permian of Shansi, China.
Young Chung-chien and Yeh Hsiang-k'uei. Pages 195-214

Additional Remains of Chasmatosaurus yuani Young from Sinkiang, China.
Young Chung-chien. Pages 215-222

A New Quaternary Testudo from Gigantopithecus Cave, Liucheng, Kwangsi.
Yeh Hsiang-k'uei. Pages 223-229

New genus of Giant Rhinoceros from Oligocene of Inner Mongolia.
Chow Minchen and Chiu Chan-siang. Pages 230-239

A New Species of Monosaulax from Tung Gur Miocene, Inner Mongolia.
Li Chuan-kuei. Pages 240-244

O находкезубагигантскогоносорогавМонголии.
Д. ДаШзэвэг. Pages 245-248

Subdivision of "Redbeds" of Nanhsiung Basin, Kwangtung.
Chang Yu-ping and Tung Yung-sheng. Pages 249-262

Note on Holocene Hsienjen Cave Deposit of Wannian, Kiangsi.
Huang Wan-po and Chi Hung-giang. Pages 263-277

Acetic Acid Preparation of Fossils embeded in Concretions.
Liu Tung-sen and Kao Fu-tsing. Pages 278-285

Issue 2

Tillodont Materials from Eocene of Shantung and Honan.
Chow Minchen. Pages 97-104

New Materials of Mesoclupea from Southeastern China and on the Systematic Position of the Genus.
Chang Mee-man. Pages 105-122

Hepвая Haxoдкa Xeликоприонид в Китаe.
Лю Сен-тин, Чжан Ми-мань. Pages 123-131

A New Species of Anaethalion.
Su Te-tsao. Pages 132-137

A New Form of the Soricidae (fnsectivora) froth the Pleistocene of North China.
K. Kowalski and Li Chuan-kuei. Pages 138-143

Remarks on the Fauna of Bats (Chiroptera) from Locality 1 at Choukoutien.
K. Kowalski and Li Chuan-kuei. Pages 144-150

Paramyid and Sciuravids from North China.
Li Chuan-kuei. Pages 151-160

A New Species of Potamochoerus from Chinhsien, Shansi.
Lee Yu-ching. Pages 161-167

Additional Note on Sinohippus zitteli.
Zhai Ren-jie. Pages 168-173

The Carnivorous Dinosaurian Remains from Fusin, Liaoniang.
Hu Show-yung. Pages 174-176

On the age of the redheds of Yuanshui Basin, Kiangsi.
Chang Yu-ping and Tung Yung-sheng. Pages 177-181

Discovery of "Ailuropoda-Stegodon" Fauna from Loping District, Northeast Kiangsi.
Huang Wan-po and Chi Hung-giang. Pages 182-189

Issue 1

The Discovery of Sinamia zdanskyi from the Ordos Region and its Stratigraphical Significance. Part I.
Part II.
Lin Tung-sen, Liu Hsien-t'ing and Su Te-tsao. Pages 1-30

The Discovery of Double-Armoured Herrings from Itu, Hupei.
Liu Hsien-t'ing. Pages 31-38

On the Antiarchi from Chutsing, Yunnan.
Liu Yü-hai. Pages 39-47

Note on a New Locality of Dinosaurian Remains from Taiho, Chiangsi, SE. China.
C. C. Young. Pages 48-51

ЗахороНение меловых динозавров в Алашани (Маорту).
И. М. КЛебанова. Pages 52-58

A New Species of Gomphotherium from Changzhi, SE. Shansi.
Zhai Ren-jie. Pages 59-61

On the Skull Of Dicerorhinus choukoutienensis Wang from Choukoutien Locality 20.
Chow Ben-shun. Pages 62-70

O зубаx цредставителярода Mammuthus из Aнтроногеновыхотложений ст. Барун-Хары.
Д. ДаШзэвэг. Pages 71-78

Notes on the Cave and Cave-Deposits in Kaoyao, Loting and Fengkai District, Kwangtung.
Huang Wan-po. Pages 79-83

Some Palaeoliths from Loc. 22 of Choukoutien.
Chang Shen-shuai. Pages 84-86

A Simple Method for Photographing Small Fossils-by Increasing Exposure.
Wang Tze-fu. Pages 87-89

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