Department of Paleoichthyology and Paleoherpetology
The department focuses on the origin, evolution and taxonomy of fossil vertebrates that are not closely related to mammals, including fish, reptiles and amphibians. Our studies encompass a taxonomically diverse array of vertebrates from the past half-billion years of geological time.
Our department includes the following research groups:
1) Early vertebrate group
ZHU Min, ZHAO Wen-Jin, JIA Lian-Tao, GAI Zhi-Kun, Lu Jin, Qiao Tuo
2) Mesozoic and Cenozoic fish group
ZHANG Mi-Man (Meemann Chang), JIN Fan, ZHANG Jiang-Yong, XU Guang-Hui, WANG Ning, WU Fei-Xiang
3) Dinosaur (excluding birds) and pterosaur group
WANG Xiao-Lin, XU Xing, YOU Hai-Lu, ZHAO Qi, WANG Qiang, Corwin Sullivan
4) Bird group
ZHOU Zhong-He, ZHANG Fu-Cheng, WANG Min, Jingmai K. O’CONNOR, Thomas A STIDHAM
5) Permo-Triassic tetrapod group
LIU Jun, LI Chun, SHANG Qing-Hua, Corwin Sullivan
6) Lissamphibian and lizard group
WANG Yuan, Dong Li-Ping, Yi Hong-Yu
Current research priorities:
1) Origin and early evolution of Osteichthyes (bony fish)
2) Origin of tetrapods (land vertebrates)
3) Origin of birds and bird flight

Division Family Picture
A School of "Fish"